HC Deb 17 February 1931 vol 248 c1079W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the number of telephone subscribers who have ordered but cannot obtain hand-microphone instruments; what is the reason of the delay; and is the old type of instrument being returned in sufficient quantity to obviate the need for further supplies of this type being manufactured?


The reduction on 1st January in the charge for the new instruments naturally produced a large increase in orders which are being worked off as quickly as possible. But in some cases there may be unavoidable delay. Special arrangements have been made with the contractors for expediting delivery, which is at present at the rate of 2,000 instruments per week and will be increased to 3,000 per week within the next month. It will not be necessary to place orders for the old type of instrument for some months to come, but it is too early to say whether a further supply will be required after that period.