HC Deb 16 February 1931 vol 248 c891W

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that one of His Majesty's inspectors has warned the vaccination officer for Derby that declarations of conscientious objection to vaccination, except in cases of illegitimates and parents separated, cannot be made by mothers, and that after 10th February such declarations will not be accepted, on the ground that the father, not the mother, is the parent of the child; and has this change in practice been sanctioned by the Minister?


My right hon. Friend is not aware that any inspector of his Department has recently seen the vaccination officer for Derby on this subject, but he is advised that under the Vaccination Acts the obligation to cause a child to be vaccinated is placed on the person having the custody of the child, and consequently that a declaration of conscientious objection to vaccination made by the mother would not exempt the father from liability if he has the legal custody of the child.