HC Deb 29 April 1931 vol 251 c1639W

asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the present position of the Anglo-French tariff negotiations?

Country. Present Customs duties on wheat in shillings per cwt. Price per 4-lb. loaf of white bread (except where otherwise stated).
Date. Original Currency. Equivalent in Sterling.
Great Britain and Northern Ireland Nil 1st April, 1931 7 Pence 7
France 6s. 7d. December, 1930, Paris. 4.33 Francs 8.41
Germany (white bread) 12s. 6d. July, 1930 1.51 R. Marks 17.78
Germany (rye bread) 25th March, 1931, Berlin. 0.655 R. Marks 7.71
Italy 6s. 7d. End of December, 1930, Rome. 2.82 to 3.64 Lire. 7.30 to 9.42
United States 3s. 3d. 15th January, 1931 32.8 Cents. 16.22
Canada. 2s. 4d.* Beginning of February, 1931. 26.0 Cents. 12.84
* Rate under General Tariff; the rate under the Intermediate Tariff is 11¼. and under the British Preferential Tariff wheat is free.