§ Mr. WARDLAW-MILNEasked the President of the Board of Trade what is
— Carpets, carpeting and rugs of wool. Jute carpets and rugs. Cork carpets. Quantity. Declared Value. Quantity. Declared Value. Quantity. Declared Value. Sq. yds. £ Sq. yds. £ Sq. yds. £ Total Imports into the United Kingdom consigned from Czechoslovakia: 1926 84,990 18,866 1,210,921 146,774 — — 1927 572,235 169,444 2,159,852 199,002 — — 1928 371,332 118,215 1,640,914 158,154 — — 1929 451,928 119,161 1,376,258 131,993 — — 1930 482,336 121,459 1,253,666 143,054 — — Domestic Exports from the United Kingdom consigned to Czechoslovakia: 1926 319 176 — — — — 1927 446 353 10 4 478 92 1928 853 897 151 32 1,531 235 1929 392 402 95 26 276 64 1930 175 54 7 2 225 38 NOTE.—The figures for 1930 are provisional.