HC Deb 27 April 1931 vol 251 cc1384-6W

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the decree of the commissar of foreign trade in Soviet Russia to intensify the dumping of fruit pulp into this country during the coming season by handing over the entire export trade to the Plodo export; what arrangements he is making to ensure that only such fruit pulp is imported as is produced and packed under sanitary conditions; and whether he will issue instructions for this fruit pulp to be tested and analysed before it is permitted to be offered for sale in this country?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. My right hon. Friend has no information with regard to the conditions under which fruit pulp is prepared in other countries. It is subject to examination in this country under the regulations relating to Imported Food and Preservatives in Food, and on the information at present before him my

I—STATEMENT showing the number of public vaccinations and re-vaccinations, and the number of deaths from smallpox, in each of the ten years 1920 to 1929
Year ended 30th September Number of successful primary vaccinations. Number of successful re-vaccinations. Deaths from smallpox in the year ended 31st December.
1920 258,996 12,898 30
1921 245,154 26,775 5
1922 223,838 12,887 27
1923 415,549 316,641 7
1924 331,522 89,600 13
1925 270,755 40,939 9
1926 279,721 54,221 18
1927 305,005 113,117 47
1928 320,687 163,918 53
1929 258,986 104,397 39

II-STATEMENT showing for each of the ten years 1919–20 to 1928–29 the total expenditure of Local Authorities on vaccination, the receipts from Government grants, and the Balance of the expenditure met out of rates, etc., together with the total cost of the Government Lymph Establishment.
Year. Total Expenditure. Receipts from Government grants. Balance falling on rates, etc. *Government Lymph Establishment.
£ £ £ £
1919–20 133,265 9,247 124,018 11,973
1920–21 183,789 8,862 174,927 20,004
1921–22 172,558 10,323 162,235 16 214
1922–23 191,416 10,244 181,172 14,489
1923–24 235,677 11,753 223,924 16,553
1924–25 182,077 3,050 179,027 14,205
1925–26 166,255 4,366 161,889 14,430
1926–27 179,066 8,338 170,728 14,386
1927–28 190,754 8,853 181,901 15,324
1928–29 191,643 10,522 181,121 15,377
* Of the total cost of the Government Lymph Establishment, 15 to 20 per cent. in each year is attributable to the cost of lymph supplied to the Service Departments.

right hon. Friend does not think that any special instructions are necessary

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