HC Deb 27 November 1930 vol 245 cc1519-20W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how the cost of the proposed bridge over the Zambesi river is to be met; whether the Portuguese Government has been invited to take part in making the necessary advance of money; whether any arrangement has been come to for handing over the bridge to the Portuguese Government at a later period; and, if so, for what consideration?


The cost is met by the Central Africa and Trans-Zambesia Railway Companies out of funds provided from the East African Guaranteed Loan. The answer to the second part of the question is in the negative. The concession for the bridge granted to the Central Africa Railway Company provides for handing over the bridge to the Portuguese Government without consideration after a period of 99 years dating from the grant of the concession on 10th July, 1912.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether it is intended that the interest payable in respect of the cost of the bridge over the Zambesi river is to be met by raising the railway freights upon goods; arid whether, considering the effect of the great fall in commodity prices upon the traffic receipts between Beira and Nyasaland, he will take steps to provide for suitable rebates upon railway freights in order to stimulate the production of commodities in that Colony?


The freight charges proposed for the Zambesi bridge are likely to involve, in the case of certain classes of high-priced goods, an increase of the present freight charges between Nyasaland and Beira, but a decrease in the case of certain low-priced commodities, some of which it is difficult to export under present conditions. Further, risks and delays will be greatly decreased. When the bridge is approaching completion the question of the grant of rebates, with the object mentioned by the hon. Member, will be a matter for the board of the new company, Nyasaland Railways, and of the Trans-Zambesia Railway Company, on which the interests of Nyasaland are represented by Government directors.