HC Deb 24 November 1930 vol 245 cc918-9W

asked the Minister of Transport; whether his attention has been called to the case of four motor omnibus drivers who were fined, at Bedale, York- shire, by amounts varying from £5 to £1 for exceeding the speed limit of 20 miles per hour on the Great North Road; if he is aware that the men were all drivers of London to Liverpool omnibuses; and if he can state the number of hours allowed to reach the outward and homeward journeys?


My attention had not been drawn to the case to which my hon. Friend refers, and under the existing law I have no means of ascertaining the times allowed for the completion of journeys by the drivers of motor coaches. When Part IV of the Road Traffic Act becomes fully operative, I anticipate that an effective check will be imposed on the time schedules of motor coach services.