§ Sir R. ASKEasked the Minister of Labour whether, in view of the present condition of the Unemployment Insurance Acts, it is proposed to introduce a measure to consolidate them.
§ Miss BONDFIELDIn view of the proposed appointment of a Royal Commission on the subject of unemployment insurance and of the fact that the 1930 Act continues in force only until 30th
"Norfolk." "York." — Officers. Stewards. Cooks. — Officers Stewards. Cooks. Ward Room 21 4 2 Ward room 20 4 2 Gun Room 13 3 1 Gun Room 9 2 1 Warrant Officers 10 * 2 Warrant Officers 10 * 2 * 2 stewards or A.B.'s or stokers dependent on the station on the station to which the ship is attached.