HC Deb 21 November 1930 vol 245 c815W

asked the Minister of Agriculture what area-of land has been withdrawn from agriculture in Great Britain between 1892, or such other date the figures for which may be available, and the present time by expansion of towns, by coast erosion, or other causes


The Ministry has not sufficient information to enable me to say what portion of the area lost to agriculture from year to year is due to any particular cause. Moreover, any comparison of the total agricultural area at the present time with years prior to 1921 is not altogether reliable, owing to the fact that it was not until the latter year that the figures for rough grazings were established on a satisfactory basis. Subject to this reservation, however, the available figures show that the total loss of agricultural land between 1900 and 1929 was 393,462 acres. Between 1921 and 1929 the total loss was 239,149 acres.