HC Deb 17 November 1930 vol 245 c46W
Major POLE

asked the Secretary of State for India the total mileage of railways in India purchased by the Government of India during the last 10 years and the total amount expended on this object; and the number of higher grade and other employés on the lines owned by the Government?


During the last 10 years, the Ahmedabad Dholka, Delhi Umballa Kalka, Mirpur-Khas-Khadro, Southern Punjab, and Arakan Light Railways with a total mileage of 1,150, have been purchased at a cost of about £8,650,000. In addition the late Burma Railway Company's interest in the Burma Railways (1,908 miles) has been bought out by repayment of their capital of £3,000,000, and assumption of their debenture liability of £1,250,000. The total number of employés on State lines, including those worked by companies was on 31st March, 1929, the latest date up to which figures are available, about 758,000. Of this number about 2,140 belonged to the officer class, and about 8,870 to the higher subordinate grades.