HC Deb 04 November 1930 vol 244 cc686-7W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, for the convenience of holders of Government stocks, steps will be taken to dispense with the necessity of having forms of notification of change of address signed by stockholders and to accept requests in the form of a letter by the stockholder or by a known solicitor or agent of the stockholder, in order to obviate unnecessary trouble, expense and delay to stockholders in effecting changes of address in certificates of Government stocks?


I understand that the Bank of England always accept a letter from a stockholder notifying change of address provided that sufficient particulars are quoted to enable the holding or holdings to be identified. A special form for the purpose exists, but its use is not obligatory. It is, however, the Bank's invariable practice to make any such alteration to a Stock account only under the direct authority of the stockholder concerned and they would not be prepared to depart from this rule, which has been framed as much in the interests

Taxation per Head (excluding Local Taxation).
Country. Population (latest estimate). Estimated Taxation. Date. Taxation per head.
United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. 45,754,000 £718,080,000 (including tax on motor vehicles). 1930–31 £15 13s. 10.6d.
France 41,130,000 French francs 51,379,033,137 (including sinking fund taxes (actual) 1929). 1930–31 French francs 1,249.
Germany 64,132,000 (excluding Saar). RM. 10,265,600,000 (excluding taxes levied by States.) 1930–31 RM. 160.
Belgium 7,996,000 Belgian francs 8,309,690,000 1930 Belgian francs 1,039.
Italy 41,488,000 lire 17,014,000,000 1930–31 lire 431.7.
United States of America. 123,309,000 $3,702,000,000 (excluding States taxes). 1930–31 $30.

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