HC Deb 02 November 1930 vol 134 cc214-5W

asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that the policy of his Department in applying control to apples only at such times as it affects the Australian crop, and removing it to the advantage of foreign sources of supply when the Australian apple season is over, is causing a great deal of dis- satisfaction amongst Australian growers; and what action, if any, he proposes to take to mitigate this grievance?


The hon. Member's question appears to be founded on a misunderstanding. It is not the policy of my Department, as suggested in the question, to apply control to apples only at such times as it would affect the Australian crop. The new Maximum Prices Order will come into force almost immediately and will apply to the bulk of the supplies from North America, which still have to be shipped. Australian supplies do not begin to reach this country until March or April. I am aware that some misunderstanding of the purpose of this Order created a sense of dissatisfaction in certain quarters, but the matter has since then been fully discussed and explained, and I trust that such dissatisfaction as existed has now been removed.