HC Deb 29 May 1930 vol 239 cc1500-1W

asked the Secretary of State for War (1) whether he will state definitely whether on 31st October, 1930, those units of the Church Lads Brigade at present clothed in khaki, must dispense with the same entirely;

(2) how long will the period be, as laid down in a War Office letter, that uniforms of the Church Lads Brigade may be worn until worn out; and how does this affect any uniforms in stock which are not issued before that date;

(3) whether the dispensing with military uniforms of the Church Lads Brigade includes the blue uniform at present worn by some units?


The decision is that any unit may continue after 31st October next to wear uniform already in its possession on 1st April last until such uniform is worn out, provided that all regimental or other distinctively military marks of such uniform are removed. This applies to all uniform in possession of units on 1st April last whether in wear or in stock. Uniform acquired after 1st April last must, in accordance with the Uniforms Act of 1894, not be that of His Majesty's Military Forces or have the appearance of the uniform of those forces.

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