Duchess of ATHOLLasked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many additional teachers are to be trained under Chapter VI in such subjects as domestic science, woodwork, commercial work, and in physical training to meet the requirements of the proposed additional school year, and by what date will such teachers have completed their training; and in what subjects of this kind have special courses been arranged for existing teachers, and how many teachers have either attended them or have signified their intention of doing so?
Mr. W. ADAMSONDuring the current session, 448 students are, or have been, in training under Chapter VI as teachers of the subjects mentioned, and the last of them will complete their courses in June, 1932. I cannot anticipate what the enrolment will be for future courses of this nature, but, so far as accommodation is available, no qualified candidates will be refused. Special courses for existing teachers leading to a qualification under Article 39 to teach commercial subjects in advanced divisions40W have been arranged at Glasgow and Aberdeen, the enrolments for which number 38. Further courses of this character are being considered.