HC Deb 01 May 1930 vol 238 cc379-81W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs the number and character of the committees appointed by the Dominion Office now operating; and the names of the men and women on them?


The Oversea Settlement Committee is the only Committee of the nature which, as I gather, the hon. Member has in mind. This Committee was appointed in 1919 to advise His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom in connection with oversea settlement within the British Empire and emigration to foreign countries. Following is the list of the members of the Committee:


The Right Hon. Lord Passfield, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs.


William Lunn, M.P., Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs.

J. J. Lawson, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour.


Geoffrey Whiskard, C.B. (Dominions Office).


G. E. Baker, C.B.E. (Board of Trade).

Mrs. Harrison Bell.

John Buchan, M.P.

Viscount Burnham, C.H., G.C.M.G.

C. W. G. Eady (Ministry of Labour).

E. R. Eddison, C.B., C.M.G. (Department of Overseas Trade).

Colonel G. Edwards, D.S.O., M.C. (War Office).

Herbert Evans.

Sir A. B. Lowry, C.B. (Ministry of Health).

The Right Hon. Sir Donald Maclean, M.P., K.B.E.

F. Skevington (Treasury).

Dame Meriel Talbot, D.B.E.

Sir Charles J. Howell Thomas, C.M.G. (Ministry of Agriculture).

Oscar Thompson.

Christopher Turner.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies the number and character of the committees appointed by the Colonial Office now operating, and the names of the men and women on them?


Information as to the constitution and personnel of the standing committees appointed by the Colonial Office will be found on pages XXV to XXXI of the Dominions Office and Colonial Office List, 1929. The following standing committees have been set up since that list was published:

Advisory Council of Agriculture and Animal Health Colonial Development Advisory Committee.

In addition to these standing Committees, the following ad hoc Committees are at present operating:

Colonial Films Committee.

Colonial Development Public Health Committee.

Committee on arrangements in connection with the trial and punishment of young offenders.

It is impossible, within the limits of an oral reply, to give a list, of the members of those committees which do not appear in the Dominions Office and Colonial Office List, but I will furnish one privately to the hon. Member.