HC Deb 17 March 1930 vol 236 c1723W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has been able to obtain figures of the amount of cotton goods exported from this

TOTAL quantities and declared values of Cotton Goods of United Kingdom Manufacture exported from this country and registered as consigned to the Soviet Union (Russia) during the quarter ended 31st December, 1929
Description. Unit of Quantity. Quantities. Declared Values.
Cotton Yarn: £
Grey, Unbleached lbs. 21,643 6,587
Cotton Piece Goods:
Grey, Unbleached Sq. Yards 24,696 629
Lin. Yards Cwts. 26,525
Printed, other than Flags, Handker-chiefs, and Shawls in the piece. Sq. Yards 3,513 100
Lin. Yards Cwts. 2,750
Cotton Small Wares, including Ribbons, Trimmings and Tape. Recorded by Value only. 218
Total of above 7,434

NOTES.—The above figures relate to the total exports of all descriptions of cotton merchandise so far as they are separately classified in the Export Returns.

No exports from this country of imported cotton merchandise were registered as consigned to the Soviet Union (Russia) during the quarter ended 31st December, 1929.

The above figures are provisional.