HC Deb 11 March 1930 vol 236 cc1123-4W

asked the Secretary for Mines the amount of lead ore and the

The following TABLE shows the total quantities of LEAD ORE imported into Great Britain and Northern Ireland during each of the years 1925 to 1929, distinguishing the Principal Countries whence the Imports were consigned, together with the Quantities of Imported Ore which were re-exported.
Countries whence Consigned. Quantities.
1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929.
Imports— Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.
Germany 144 93 216 31 67
Netherlands 141 107 63 51 47
Belgium 216 66 65 60 53
France 96 182 933 23 48
Spain 51 749 18 517 110
China (exclusive of Hong Kong, Macao and leased territories). 130 299 98
Peru 97 74 79 12
Chile 98 31 6 3 17
Argentine Republic 40 10
Other Foreign Countries 94 296 50 40 50
Total from Foreign Countries 1,107 1,608 1,729 737 490
British India 4,567 1,202 464 724 538
Australia 841 131 188 3,237 2,612
Other British Countries 272 367 237 236 336
Total from British Countries 5,680 1,700 889 4,197 3,486
Total Imports 6,787 3,308 2,618 4,934 3,976
Total Exports of Imported Lead Ore 5,864 1,424 1,048 814 520

NOTE.—The above particulars for 1929 are provisional.

average price per ton produced in Great Britain for the years ending December, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1923: and the amount of lead ore imported into Great Britain for the same periods and the country or countries from which the imports came?


The quantity and the average value per ton at the mine of dressed lead ore produced in Great Britain during the years 1925 to 1929 inclusive were as follow:

Year. Quantity. Average Value.
Tons. £ s. d.
1925 15,578 22 7 3
1926 19,076 19 5 10
1927 20,428 14 9 9
1928 18,771 12 5 3
1929 (Provisional figures). 23,255 13 3 5