HC Deb 27 June 1930 vol 240 cc1509-11W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether within the last 12 months there has been any importation of glass from Russia into this country; and whether, in that case, he can state how the price compares with that of similar articles manufactured in Great Britain?


The following table shows the total quantity and declared value of glass and glassware imported into Great Britain and Northern Ireland registered as consigned from the Soviet Union (Russia) during the year 1929 and the first five months of 1930.

approved by the Unemployment Grants Committee, are situated; whether any part of the full cost of these schemes will fall on local ratepayers; and whether, in any of these cases, there have been rates levied in the past for previous schemes and, if so, are such rates to be continued or have arrangements been made to liquidate these old charges?


The location of all approved schemes estimated to cost £2,000 or more is as follows:

The answer to the second part of the question is in the affirmative. The grant from the Unemployment Grants Committee takes the form of a percentage of the loan charges or (in a few cases) of the wages bill, and the remaining percentage has to be found from local sources. The great majority of the schemes are being carried out by local authorities as schemes of public utility under the Unemployment (Relief Works) Act, 1920, and not as drainage schemes by virtue of any powers conferred by Acts relating to land drainage. So far as I am aware, these authorities have not previously carried out any similar schemes in this way, and therefore the answer to the last part of the question would, as regards these schemes, appear to be in

County. Location of Scheme.
Bedford (1) Rivers Ivell and Hiy. (Sandy and Biggleswade U.D.C's.)
Cambridge (3) Burnt Fen.
Middle Fen.
Littleport and Downham District.
Durham (2) River Wear near Durham.
River Skerne below Darlington.
Essex (2) (1) Fobbing Levels near Grays.
(2) Mundon.
Glamorgan (1) River Ewenuy.
Lancaster (1) Colaye Brook near Leigh.
Leicester (1) River Sence near Leicester.
Merioneth (1) Harlech Marsh.
Norfolk (1) Feltwell and Southery District.
Oxford and Berks (1) River Thames above Oxford.
Somerset (2) Upper River Brue.
River Tone near Athelney.
Yorks. West Riding (1) Cowick, near Goole.

With regard to the second part of the question, the Ministry's grant takes the form of a percentage either of the net cost of a scheme or of the wages bill at the option of the promoters of the scheme, and the remainder of the cost has to be found, in the case of drainage authorities, out of the drainage rates which are leviable under the present law, and, in the case of county councils, by the owners of the lands concerned, who in most cases are voluntarily co-operating in the schemes.