HC Deb 06 June 1930 vol 239 cc2569-70W

asked the Minister of Labour what is the purchasing power of unemployment benefit for men at the present time as compared with its purchasing power in December, 1920?


Between 1st December, 1920 and 1st May, 1930, the level of the cost-of-living (according to the statistics published in the Ministry of Labour Gazette) changed in the ratio of 269 to 155. There is, however, some element of seasonal change involved in a comparison of December and May. If the average cost-of-living figures for the beginning of each of the six months December, 1920, to May, 1921, is compared with the corresponding average for December, 1929, to May, 1930, the change in the level of the cost-of-living is in the ratio of 248 to 162. In December, 1920, the rate of benefit for a man was 15s. a week, and there was no dependants benefit. At present, the rate of benefit is 17s. a week for a man, with 9s. a week for an adult dependant, and

CLAIMS TO BENEFIT made, and Claims to Benefit Disallowed on certain grounds, in the Glasgow Area.
Employment Exchange Area. Total number of fresh and renewal claims made 10th March to 12th May, 1930. Number of claims disallowed between 13th March and 12th May, 1930, by Courts of Referees.
Less than 8 contributions in previous two years or 30 at any time. Not normally insurable. Total.
Glasgow Central 7,951 37 1,301 1,338
Glasgow South Side 12,910 17,130 332 1,543 1,875
Rutberglen 2,172
Cambuslang 2,048
Bridgeton 12,751 14 1,801 1,815
Finnieston 4,643 52 372 424
Govan 7,259 79 413 492
Kinning Park 4,131 95 161 256
Maryhill 5,884 89 562 651
Parkhead 7,003 720 720
Partick 5,900 24 477 501
Springburn 6,807 7,521 48 492 540
Kirkintilloch 714
Total 80,173 770 7,842 8,612

2s. a week in respect of each dependant child under the age of 14.


asked the Minister of Labour in what cases unemployment benefit is paid other than from offices permanently used as Employment Exchanges; and in such cases to what uses are the buildings normally put?


Excluding payments through associations, the cases of this kind are those where, owing to abnormal pressure, payment is made at buildings temporaily hired for the purpose, or, in a small number of instances, at the establishments at which work-people on short-time are employed. In the former class of cases the buildings are frequently halls of various kinds ordinarily used for religious or social purposes, but almost every variety of building is represented.


asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons who made a claim for benefit under the conditions of the recent Act at each Exchange in Glasgow and the number refused as not being normally in insurable employment.


, pursuant to her reply (OFFICIAL REPORT, 5th June, 1930; col. 2405, Vol. 239), supplied the following statement:

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