HC Deb 31 July 1930 vol 242 cc712-3W

asked the Secretary of State for War what is the differ- ence between the allowances paid to officers and men in the Sudan and in Egypt, respectively?


A statement showing the current rates of Colonial allowance in Egypt and the Sudan is appended. These rates, which are fixed in relation to the special expenses of the command to which they apply, are due for revision as from 1st July last, but the new rates are not yet settled. As regards other allowances, lodging, furniture and servant

Colonial Allowances.
The current daily rates of Colonial allowance in Egypt and the Sudan are as follow:
Egypt. Sudan.
Married. Single. Married. Single.
s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
Officers 7 6 2 6 6 0 2 0
Warrant Officer, Class I 2 6 0 6 0 6
Warrant Officer, Class II, and Staff Sergeant. 1 6 0 3 0 3
Sergeant 1 0
Rank and File 0 6
Note.—There are no families of warrant officers, non-commissioned officers or men in the Sudan, but married warrant officers and staff sergeants draw the single rate of Colonial Allowance.