HC Deb 29 July 1930 vol 242 c300W

asked the Minister of Transport how many motor omnibuses belonging to the long-distance services, other than those hired for private purposes, enter the centre of London daily; and whether any Regulations exist limiting their size and numbers and the streets in which they are permitted to circulate?


I assume that this question relates to motor coaches as distinct from motor omnibuses plying for hire within the Metropolitan Police district. There is no information available as to the number of motor coaches which enter the centre of London daily. As regards size, motor coaches are subject to the statutory restrictions applicable to all heavy motor cars, but there is no direct control of these vehicles when in the Metropolitan Police district as regards either their number or the streets which they may traverse. They will, however, be controlled in these respects when the provisions of the Road Traffic Bill now before Parliament relating to public service vehicles in the metropolitan area come into force.