HC Deb 17 July 1930 vol 241 c1485W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the right conferred by Article 12 of the Minorities Treaties upon any member of the Council of the League of Nations to bring to the attention of the Council any infraction, or any danger of infraction, of the obligation incurred by these treaties, he is prepared to call the attention of the League Council to the treatment of the White Russian and Ukrainian minorities in Poland by the Polish authorities, which constitutes an infraction of these treaties?


asked the Secretary a State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government have yet considered the question of representation on the Sixth Commission of the League of Nations; and whether, having regard to the urgency of the problem, anyone has been specially appointed to deal with the question of minorities?


The policy to be adopted by His Majesty's Government in regard to the question of minorities at the forthcoming meetings of the Council and Assembly of the League of Nations is at present under careful consideration, as is the distribution of duties between the various members of the British Delegation. As my right hon. Friend stated in reply to questions on Monday last, he is making inquiries at Geneva into the alleged delays in dealing with certain Ukrainian minority petitions. I might add that a White Russian Minority petition is at present under examination by a committee of three members of the Council.

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