HC Deb 16 July 1930 vol 241 cc1295-6W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies the purport of the latest reports received from the British Colonies in the Caribbean as to the present and prospective distress among the labouring classes resulting from the crisis in the sugar industry; and what measures of relief are being applied?


I regret to state that my information is that some increase of unemployment among the labouring classes is anticipated in the near future in some of the Colonies concerned. My Noble Friend is in telegraphic communication with the local Governments and has had the advantage of consulting representatives of the Colonies concerned who have ben attending the Colonial Office Conference. It is not desirable, in the interests of the people mainly affected, that I should enter into precise details of the projects now under discussion by way of relief works, but I may say in general that, so far as can be seen at present, it will be possible to cope with the situation.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what requests for assistance and loans from the Colonial Development Fund have been received in connection with sugar; and which of them have been granted, with the amounts involved?


Several applications for assistance from the Colonial Development Fund have been received from the Colonies which are mainly dependent on the export of sugar, but I should hesitate to describe more than a few minor applications as received in connection with sugar, as they are mainly intended to promote the general development of the Colonies concerned and have been considered by the committee from that point of view.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress has been made with the proposal for the establishment of a trade commissioner in London for the British Colonies in the Caribbean?


My Noble Friend has been in communication with the West Indian Colonies on this matter, and favourable replies have been received from the Governors of the Bahamas, Leeward Islands, Bermuda, Trinidad and the Windward Islands. He is still in correspondence with the Governments of Jamaica, Barbados, and British Guiana, as their attitude is not yet finally decided.