HC Deb 30 January 1930 vol 234 cc1202-3W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of female writing assistants and boy and girl clerical officers appointed to the Claims and Record Office, Kew, from the open competitive examinations held in 1925, 1927, 1928, and 1929 for these grades, showing the total number of appointments to each grade for each of such years; whether it is intended to assign to that Department any further boy and girl candidates from the extended list of successful candidates- at the April, 1929, competi- tion and, if so, what number; and whether it is intended to take similar successful candidates from the open competition held this month and, if so, what number?


The number of appointments made to the Claims and Record Office from the open competitions held in the last five years in respect of posts of clerical officer and writing assistant were as follow:

Year. Clerical Officer. Writing Assistant.
Male. Female.
1925 9* 45
1927 7 21* 19
1928 No examination. 129
1929 9† 47
Total 7 39 240‡
*Three of these were already serving as writing assistants in the Claims and Record Office.
† Seven of these were already serving as writing assistants in the Claims and Record Office; the remaining two replaced clerical officers transferred to Headquarters on grounds of residence.
‡ As against this recruitment of 240 writing assistants there has been a wastage of 231 during the same period.

The result of the open competitions of December, 1929, for posts of writing assistant has not yet been announced. It is not anticipated that any of the successful candidates from this examination will be assigned to the Claims and Record Office. It is anticipated, however, that four further candidates from the April, 1929, clerical classes open competition will be assigned to the Ministry, but it is not intended to allocate these candidates to the Claims and Record Office. It is not at present proposed to allocate to the Claims and Record Office successful candidates from the January, 1930, open competition for the clerical classes unless there are assigned to the Ministry successful candidates who are already in post in the Claims and Record Office in other capacities.