HC Deb 27 February 1930 vol 235 cc2442-4W

asked the Minister of Labour how many insured persons it is estimated will obtain benefit when the Unemployment Insurance Act comes into operation; and whose books were in the two months' file and in the dead file, respectively, on 3rd February instant?


It is not possible to make any precise division as between these two files of the 70,000 persons not now on the Register who, as indicated in my reply to a similar question on 6th February, may be expected to renew their claims when the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1930, comes into operation.


asked the Minister of Labour whether her attention has been called to the fact that men who wish to engage in a period of training as omnibus conductors, and receive no pay during that period, are not eligible for unemployment benefit; and whether, in view of the fact that these men still have to support themselves and their families and that many are thus precluded from undertaking such training, she will propose legislation at an early date to remedy the situation?


The position is as stated in the first part of the question, if there is a definite understanding that the person being trained will, when he becomes proficient, be employed for wages by the employer giving the training. I regret I cannot give any undertaking to introduce legislation on this subject at present.

Lieut.-Colonel AINSWORTH

asked the Minister of Labour if she will investigate the circumstances under which unemployment benefit is paid in Bury; whether she is aware that queues often wait two hours and then, when the clerks close the offices for luncheon, have to go away and return later for another long wait; and whether steps will be taken, by readjustment of the staff, to avoid this inconvenience?


Some delay in dealing with applicants took place at the Bury Exchange during January. This was due to the extremely heavy increase in the register over the holiday period. I should mention, however, that according to my information no claimants were sent away at the mid-day interval and asked to return later, although some who attended in the morning went away voluntarily and came again in the afternoon. The staff at the Exchange has been further strengthened and steps are being taken to secure additional premises.

Lieut.-Colonel AINSWORTH

asked the Minister of Labour if she will investigate the circumstances under which unemployment benefit is paid in a political club in the Bury area?


Owing to the increase in unemployment in this area it was decided, at the request of the urban district council, to deal separately with the claimants living in Tottington. After careful search the club in question was the only suitable building that could be obtained for the purpose.