Mr. WRIGHTasked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many State scholarships to universities are awarded annually to school pupils in Scotland; how many pupils at present hold them; the numbers of the holders who received part of their education at primary schools, distinguishing the figures by sex; and the total annual cost of these awards?
Mr. W. ADAMSONNo State scholarships are awarded to school pupils in Scotland. The expenditure on State scholarships awarded in England and Wales is, however, taken into account in determining the amount of the grants voted by Parliament in aid of the expenditure of Scottish education authorities 2275W who, under Section 4 of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918, are empowered to assist duly qualified persons to enter or attend Universities. In the year ended 15th May, 1929, the assistance granted by the authorities to students atending Universities amounted to £70,499, the greater part of which is in respect of students who received part of their education at primary schools. The remaining details asked for by the hon. Member could only be obtained by a special return, the preparation of which would involve more work than I should feel justified in asking the authorities to undertake at the present time.