§ Mr. OLDFIELDasked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the hardship and discomfort caused to the inhabitants of Laindon and other places in South-East Essex by the state of the unmade roads in the district; whether he has made representations to the Billericay Rural District Council with a view to their adopting the Private Street Works Act, 1892, Section 19 of the Public Health Amendment Act, 1907 (Power to carry out works of urgent repair in private streets), and Section 35 of the Public Health Act, 1925 (Power to vary width of carriageway and foot-way on making up private streets); whether representations have been made on more than one occasion; and whether, in view of the transfer of the above powers to the Essex County Council in April, he will consider approaching the Unemployment Grants Committee for assistance in cases where the streets to be made up would be in the nature of thoroughfares for the general use of persons other than the frontagers concerned?
§ Mr. GREENWOODI am aware of the condition of the roads at Laindon and other places in South-East Essex. The attention of the district councils concerned, including Billericay, has been directed on more than one occasion to the enactments mentioned by my hon. Friend. If the county council apply to the Unemployment Grants Committee for a grant in the cases described in the last part of the question, the application will be considered on its merits.