§ Commander BELLAIRSasked the President of the Board of Trade what proportion of the total produce of British agriculture is formed by fruit, dairy produce, meat and poultry respectively, as compared with 9.9 per cent. for the total corn crops?
§ Mr. N. BUXTONI have been asked to reply. The following statement shows the estimated value of the agricultural and horticultural produce sold off farms in Great Britain in the agricultural year 1927–28, with the relative proportions represented by certain items.
— Estimated Value. Percentage of Total Produce. £millions. Per cent. Fruit 9.8 3.7 Live Stock (excluding Horses). 95.2 35.8 Milk and Dairy Produce 63.7 23.9 Poultry 5.9 2.2 Eggs 12.2 4.6 Corn Crops 26.4 9.9 All other Produce 53.0 19.9 Total 266.2 100.0 NOTE.—The figures represent only that proportion of the total produce which is sold off farms (i.e., holdings exceeding one acre) for consumption by the non-farming community, together with the quantities consumed in farm households. The proportions of the various crops estimated to be sold off farms are set out in detail in the reports on the agricultural output in 1925 of England and Wales and of Scotland.
The year taken for the purpose of the calculations is mainly June to May, the principal exception being corn, which relates to the harvest year ending August. The bulk of the corn crops, however, is sold before the end of May.