HC Deb 11 February 1930 vol 235 cc252-3W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of cases in which claims for unemployment benefit were considered, allowed, and disallowed by the boards of assessors since their formation, and a comparable period for similar decisions given by the courts of referees prior to the establishment of the boards?


The boards of assessors make recommendations to the insurance officer for the purpose of the initial decisions by him on the question whether the claimant is genuinely seeking work or satisfies the transitional conditions that he is normally employed in an insured trade and has had a reasonable period of employment in the past two years. The number of cases dealt with by boards of assessors in Great

Great Britain.
11th Sept., 1928, to 14th Jan., 1929 (18 weeks). 10th Sept., 1929, to 13th Jan., 1930 (18 weeks).
Disallowances by Insurance Officers on grounds of not genuinely seeking work and transitional conditions. 154,744 80,449*
Cases dealt with by Courts of Referees on all grounds of disallowance:—
Total number of cases considered 79,913 64,703
Number recommended for:—
Allowance 33,397 24,172
Disallowance 46,516 40,531
*These include certain types of cases which, under the procedure, are not dealt with in the first place by Boards of Assessors.