HC Deb 06 February 1930 vol 234 cc2101-2W

asked the Minister of Agriculture if his attention has been drawn to the decision on the Agricultural Wages Act, in the ease of


The following statement shows the average prices (per cwt.) of British and imported cereals during the month of January in the years 1925 to 1930, as returned by the Ministry's reporters at Bristol, Hull, Liverpool and London:

Pockney v. Atkinson of 16th July, 1929; and if, in view of the effect this will have upon the position of all labourers who hire themselves for a period of months, as is customary in the North of England, he proposes to introduce remedial legislation?


My right hon. Friend has given careful attention to the decision of the High Court in the case mentioned, and he hopes it will not have any adverse effect on the position of agricultural workers engaged on long-term hirings. Should it have, however, such an effect, he will certainly consider, if opportunity offers, the desirability of proposing legislation to remove any difficulties in that respect in the administration of the Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Act, 1924.