HC Deb 06 February 1930 vol 234 c2089W

asked the Secretary of Stale or Foreign Affairs whether he will request His Majesty's representative at Mexico City to ascertain whether the Mexican Government proposes to take steps to give effect to the policy with regard to the default of the Mexican Government on its obligations towards holders of Mexican Government securities announced by the President-Elect of Mexico in a statement of which a translation was received by the Foreign Office on or about 14th January, 1930?


His Majesty's Minister at Mexico City has already reported that the President-Elect, who assumed office on 5th February, has promised that the Mexican Ministry of Finance will be instructed to study the means of resuming payments on Mexico's foreign debt. Mr. Monson may be relied upon to report further developments, and I do not consider that any special instructions to him in the sense suggested are called for in the circumstances.