Duchess of ATHOLLasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is estimated to be the cost of reconstructing for motor traffic the road from Aberfoyle to the Trossachs; whether the road when so reconstructed will be scheduled as a Class I road; and what number of men will be employed on the site in reconstructing the road, and for how long a period of time?
Mr. W. ADAMSONThe estimated cost of reconstructing and widening the road has not been finally determined, but it is expected that it will be about £60,000. The reply to the second part of the question is in the affirmative. Arrangements for carrying out the scheme are not yet complete, and I cannot give any precise figures as to the duration of the work and the number of men which it would employ, especially as its duration will depend upon some 1995W uncertain factors including the weather. It is anticipated, however, that the scheme would provide employment for some hundreds of men for several months.