HC Deb 17 April 1930 vol 237 c3146W
Major GLYN

asked the Minister of Transport what are the applications of electricity for agricultural purposes in the experimental districts of Nottingham, Bedford, East Anglia, and Ayr[...]hire; and whether he has any information showing that in Sweden electrical power is used for electrical milking machines, electrical incubators, pigsties and cowsheds heated by electricity, egg production stimulated by lighted fowl runs, honey yield increased in lighted and heated hives, and ultra violet rays for cattle, pigs, and poultry; whether examples of these tasks are being arranged and at what cost; and how does this figure compare with the rate per unit in Sweden?


The Bedford Demonstration Scheme, of which particulars are contained in a pamphlet published by the Stationery Office, has recently been assisted under the Development and Road Improvement Funds Act, and is now being carried out as an experimental electrification scheme in a rural area. I am afraid I cannot undertake to furnish the detailed information asked for in regard to Sweden.