HC Deb 03 April 1930 vol 237 c1476W

asked the Minister of Labour whether the majority of persons receiving Poor Relief in respect of unemployment were already on the live register at a period 12 months ago comparable with the period covered by the latest figures for unemployment; and, if they were not, what is the approximate number of persons receiving Poor Relief in respect of unemployment omitted from the published returns of the live register for the last week in 1929?


The only available figures regarding the numbers of persons receiving Poor Law relief in respect of unemployment, who are on the registers of Employment Exchanges, relate to 17th February, 1930. It is estimated, on the basis of a 10 per cent. sample, that at that date there were approximately 26,000 unemployed persons ordinarily engaged in some regular occupation in receipt of outdoor Poor Law relief in Great Britain who were not in the registers of Employment Exchanges.