HC Deb 15 November 1929 vol 231 cc2418-20W

asked the Minister of Pensions how many disabled ex-service men there are still in institutions under his care; and whether he is satisfied that all possible steps are taken to alleviate the weariness of their protracted convalescence?


Apart from cases of insanity in public Mental Hospitals, there are at present 4,774 disabled ex-service men receiving in-patient treatment at the cost of the Ministry. I am satisfied that everything possible is done to provide both interest and amusement for these cases, so far as the exigencies of treatment admit. Suitable occupation is provided in all cases where this is practicable, having regard to the fact that the majority of the cases in hospital are under treatment for less than six months. Outings and other entertainments are also arranged at all hospitals in co-operation with various voluntary associations.