HC Deb 15 November 1929 vol 231 c2417W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what air ports there are in the United Kingdom; what arrangements are being made for the establishment of others; and whether he will favourably consider the suitability of the Medway towns for the purpose?


If by "air ports" the hon. Member means "Customs aerodromes," I would refer him to the reply which was given to him on 4th March last, and add that Customs aerodromes at Manchester (Wythenshawe) and Bed ford (Cardington), the latter for airships only, have since been approved, and that a site at Heston will probably be approved in the near future. Sites at Dalmuir and North or South Shields for the Customs clearance of passenger traffic only are under consideration. If, however, in "air ports" the hon. Member includes aerodromes generally, there are at present 134 licensed civil aerodromes, and, in addition, 45 Royal Air Force aerodromes are available in emergency. I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Hallam (Mr. L. Smith) on 7th November as regards the progress made in the establishment of municipal aerodromes, and to the reply of 4th March, referred to above, in regard to the pro vision of aerodromes, etc., by National Flying Services, Limited, and also in regard to the suitability of the Medway towns for the purpose of aerodromes.