HC Deb 13 November 1929 vol 231 cc2060-1W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether his attention has been called to the desire of Australia to restrict emigration; and whether, in these circumstances, he can state what parts of the British Empire overseas he regards as suitable for and sympathetic to emigration?


No restrictions are placed by the Governments in Australia on the entry of any healthy migrant from this country of good character who is in a position to defray his own expenses; but I have received a telegram from His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth proposing that the grant of assisted passages should be suspended for the present. I am satisfied that all parts of the British Empire overseas are sympathetic to migration from the United Kingdom, but the respective Governments must necessarily reserve the right to control the movement of assisted migrants in accordance with local economic conditions. The question of the suitability of the various parts of the Empire for migration from this country depends on many factors which cannot be discussed within the limits of the answer to a Parliamentary question.