HC Deb 13 November 1929 vol 231 cc2050-1W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the total imports of cotton yarns for each year from 1912 up to the present year; the total exports of cotton yarns from 1912 to the present year for each year; if he will state these both in value and in pounds weight; and if he will quote figures for both single and two-fold yarns and separate figures showing the weight of counts up to 40's, 50's to 140's, and 140's and over?


Prior to the year 1920 the records of imports and exports did not distinguish cotton yarn by counts or groups of counts. From 1920 the particulars available, as shown in the published returns, separate counts under 40's and counts over 120's, but do not permit of the classification asked for, nor are single and two-fold yarns returned separately. Reference to Volume I of the Annual Statement of Trade for 1927 and for 1922 will enable the hon. Member to procure the available particulars for 1913

Cotton Yarns. Year 1928. First ten months 1929.
Quantity. Declared Value. Quantity. Declared Value.
Thousand lbs. £'000 Thousand lbs. £'000
Total Imports into the United Kingdom:
Up to 40's counts 10,222 901 10,616 851
40's to 120's counts 1,967 339 1,639 255
Over 120's counts 4 1 4 1
Total all counts 12,193 1,241 12,259 1,107
Exports of United Kingdom manufacture:
Up to 40's counts 77,142 6,409 63,473 5,175
40's to 120's counts 88,953 15,064 73,519 11,485
Over 120's counts 3,112 1,094 2,686 903
Total all counts 169,207 22,567 139,678 17,563