HC Deb 07 November 1929 vol 231 cc1267-8W

asked the Minister of Health in view of the delay of a certain road-development scheme in the Midsomer Norton Urban District caused by the fact that the district valuer was on 30th September asked to value certain land necessary to the scheme and on Saturday, 2nd November, had not then reported, what steps he proposes to take to expedite such valuations?

Loan Applications received since 1st June, 1929.
Description of Work. Proposed Loan. Date of receipt of application. Date of Sanction.
I.Housing: £ 1929. 1929.
Houses on Ford Estate—excess cost 280 14 June 19 June
Houses at Grangetown 10,634 15 June 6 July
Advances under Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts. 20,000 28 June 29 June
Houses on Ford Estate 60,186 13 July 20 July
House on Ford Estate 15,676 17 Oct. 24 Oct.
Durham Road School—drainage and road works. 3,200 12 Aug. 19 Aug.
Various elementary schools alterations 3,090 11 Oct. 23 Oct.
III.Street Improvements:
North Bridge Street 626 5 Sept. Being considered by Ministry of Transport.
Fulwell Road diversion 11,846 14 Sept.
(less grant)
South Shields Road 4,200 24 Sept.
*Grantham Road 2,500 25 Sept.
Barnes Park Road—excess 550 25 June 27 June
*Gill Sewer reconstruction 24,000 30 Oct. Under consideration.
V.Baths, Parks, Conveniences, Etc.:
*Plunge Bath and Filtration Plant 8,750 12 Oct.
*Minature Golf Course, Sea Lane 1,000 26 Oct.
*Bowling Green and Tennis Courts, Barley Mow North. 1,750 28 Oct.
*Public Conveniences 1,950 30 Oct.
*Shelter, Conveniences, etc., Seaburn 7,000 30 Oct.
*Cafe and Shops, Lower Promenade, Roker 16,000 31 Oct.
Total 193,238
* These Schemes are being considered for grant by the Unemployment Grants Committee.


I am informed that a valuation report has now been made in connection with this scheme. The delay was due to exceptional pressure of work. Reports are made as expeditiously as possible.