HC Deb 06 November 1929 vol 231 cc1052-3W

asked the Home Secretary whether, before any additional omnibus route is opened up within the Metropolitan area, it is the practice of the Commissioner of Police to consult the borough council of the district before sanction to the route is given; and, if not, will he urge upon the Commissioner the advisability of such consultation taking place?


It is not the Commissioner's practice to consult the borough councils, but he considers, of course, any representations he receives. As to the proposal that the councils should be consulted in all cases, it should be remembered that the Commissioner can take account only of considerations of the public safety and convenience of traffic, and is not concerned with other considerations which are usually the subject of representations to him. I do not think, therefore, that there is any occasion for requiring prior consultation in every case, but I shall be pleased to consider any representations my right hon. Friend may wish to make on that subject.