HC Deb 09 May 1929 vol 227 cc2346-9W

asked the Minister of Labour the amount of money spent on relief works year by year since the War; and the largest number of men employed on such schemes at any one time in each year?

A.—Unemployment Grants Committee Schemes.
Totals to 31st March, 1929.
Financial Years. Wages Schemes. Loan Schemes.
Estimated Cost of schemes approved. Grants Paid. Estimated Cost of schemes approved. Amount of loan approved for grant. Grants Paid.
£ £ £ £ £
1920–21 4,666,484 26,636 Nil. Nil.
1921–22 4,833,686 1,698,311 17,609,747 16,579,107
1922–23 2,376,691 486,593 11,868,414 11,059,080 83,453
1923–24 2,263,782 544,131 19,307,826 18,066,267 490,205
1924–25 1,889,046 669,353 17,985,846 16,000,208 1,080,749
1925–26 1,074,844 530,293 15,348,037 13,313,830 1,601,949
1926–27 93,942 238,255 2,225,137 2,361,255 2,151,175
1927–28 27,306 68,717 1,356,513 1,054,732 2,630,581
1928–29 36,650 16,389 3,114,201 3,008,590 2,678,349

The largest number of men employed on the schemes assisted by the Unemployment Grants Committee on any day for which returns are rendered by Authorities is shown in the following Table:

Calendar Year. Men employed.
1924 42,717
1925 44,400
1926 33,799
1927 15,799
1828 9,549

NOTE.—Figures prior to 1924 are not available on a comparable basis.

B.—Ministry of Transport Schemes.
Payments during Financial Year. Road Fund. Exchequer. Local Authorities (Estimated). Total.
£ £ £ £
1920 395,200 130,000 502,400 1,027,600
1921 1,305,800 529,490 1,492,600 3,327,890
1922 2,042,268 561,015 1,871,700 4,474,983
1923 2,919,129 109,368 2,222,393 5,250,890
1924 3,804,059 43,675 2,185,103 6,032,837
1925 4,927,283 21,457 2,412,377 7,361,117
1926 4,873,383 2,124,445 6,997,828
1927 4,276,009 1,872,904 6,148,913
1928 2,279,620 979,668 3,259,288

Separate figures are not available of men employed on schemes put in hand to relieve unemployment and assisted by the Ministry of Transport.


pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 25th April, 1929; col. 1071, Vol. 227] supplied the following statement:

C.—Miscellaneous Schemes.
Schemes. Total Expenditure, 1921 to 1928, Financial Years.
Exchequer. Other Sources.
£ £
(a) Land Drainage 878,841 380,701
(b) Water Supply 50,595 117,606
(c) Wash Reclamation 17,318
(d) Forestry 430,000
(e) Light Railways 160,774 166,894
(f) Scottish Schemes 176,480 139,238
Totals 1,714,008 804,439
2,518,447 *
* Expenditure by years not readily available, and there is no information as to the number of men for whom employment wag afforded.