HC Deb 07 May 1929 vol 227 c2040W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons employed in April, 1924, November, 1924, and April, 1925, respectively, and the comparative figures for April, 1929, dividing the total number into various classes or grades of employment in order to show the decrease or increase in each class in comparison with 1929?


The following table gives the estimated number of insured persons aged 16 to 64 in employment in Great Britain at the dates mentioned, after deducting from the total numbers insured, the numbers recorded as unemployed, the numbers directly involved in trade disputes, and an allowance of 3½ per cent. in respect of sickness and other forms of unrecorded non-employment other than temporary holidays:

Date. Estimated numbers of insured persons aged 16–64 in employment.
April, 1924 9,584,000
November, 1924 9,547,000
April, 1925 9,634,000
April, 1929 10,146,900

Statistics analysing these figures by various classes or grades of employment are not available.

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