HC Deb 03 May 1929 vol 227 cc1890-2W

asked the Under Secretary of State for India, the number of pounds of opium which were exported from India, including medical opium sent to this Country, during the year 1928; and the net opium revenue of the government of India for this period.


The quantity of medical opium exported from India to the United Kingdom in 1928 was 71,200 pounds. The latest figures available for exports of provision opium are those for 1927, and are given below. As the hon. Member no doubt knows, these exports are being progressively diminished by 10 per cent. per annum.

Countries of destination. 1927.
Straits Settlements 319,200
Netherlands East Indies 151,900
Siam 219,100
British North Borneo 9,100
Ceylon 4,900
Hong Kong 30,800
French Indo-China 277,480
Sarawak 13,720

The revised estimate of the net opium revenue of the Government of India for the financial year 1928–29 was Rs.2,88,04,000.