HC Deb 01 March 1929 vol 225 cc2336-7W

asked the Secretary for Mines the date of settlement of the dispute at the Nine Mile Point Colliery, Cross Keys, Monmouthshire, and the number of men who have been reemployed since the settlement was effected.

Commodore KING

Work was resumed at the begining of last week. The number of men employed during that week was:313. I have no later information.

Indoor. Outdoor. Total.
Destitute Able-bodied Unemployed-
Paupers 602 28,785 29,387
Dependants 160 62,639 62,799
Total 762 91,424 92,186
Ordinary Sane Poor-
Paupers 11,750 50,886 62,636
Dependants 690 49,708 50,398
Total 12,440 100,594 113,034
Lunatic Poor *16,112 2,599 18,711
Grand Total:
Paupers 28,464 82,270 110,734
Dependants 850 112,347 113,197
Total 29,314 194,617 223,931
* Includes 14,748 in Asylums, etc. and 1,384 in Licensed Wards of Poorhouses.

I would refer the bon. Member to the reply given on Tuesday last to the hon. Member for Southwark Central (Mr. Day), showing the number of poor in Scotland, without distinguishing between out-door and in-door, as at 15th September, 1928, the latest date for which information is available.


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will arrange to publish in the "Ministry of Labour Gazette" regular statistics of poor relief in Scotland.


Statistics showing the number of persons in receipt of indoor and outdoor poor relief in certain selected areas in Scotland are already being published monthly in the "Ministry of Labour Gazette." If the hon. Member will communicate to me what particular

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