HC Deb 25 July 1929 vol 230 c1531W

asked the Minister of Transport if his attention has been drawn to the prevalence of street accidents; and whether he is prepared to call a conference of representatives of the London safety-first-council and local authorities at an early date with a view to a closer examination of the subject?


This subject has recently been examined in detail by the Royal Commission on Transport whose First Report was presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty on Monday last. I need hardly add that the recommendations of the Royal Commission will receive immediate and careful consideration. A conference of local authorities in the area of Greater London, and of other interested parties, was convened by my predecessor in March, 1927, to consider the question of street accidents. The recommendations of the conference were circulated to all the authorities concerned. Since that date the London Traffic Advisory Committee had been conducting further inquiries, and I have recently received two Reports from them, the first dealing with street accidents generally and the second with street accidents to children. These Reports will be published very shortly, and the question of convening a further conference at a later date will be considered.