HC Deb 25 July 1929 vol 230 c1538W

asked the Minister of Labour whether her attention has been drawn to the hardship caused to miners who are working a reduced number of shifts and are unable to draw unemployment benefit for their enforced idle days; and whether she proposes to amend the Unemployment Insurance Acts in some way to meet this grievance?


I assume my hon. Friend has in mind the effect of the rules governing continuity of unemployment. This is one of the points which I will examine.


asked the Minister of Labour whether she proposes to continue the scheme of transferring unemployed miners long distances to temporary work; and whether she considers this a desirable method of dealing with these men?


I propose to continue the policy of assisting unemployed miners for whom there is no opportunity of work in their home areas to find suitable employment elsewhere, in areas where the opportunities of employment are good. It is not always possible to ensure that the first job found for these men is permanent, but where it proves to be temporary they are given every assistance by my Department to find other work.

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