HC Deb 25 July 1929 vol 230 c1535W

asked the Secretary for Mines, if he will cause a complete Return to be made of the number of collieries which have been closed down by the Amalgamated Anthracite combine during the last three years, and the approximate amount of coal lost by such action?


I am informed by Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries, Limited, that in the last three years they have closed five collieries, but that in two cases the coal is being worked from adjoining collieries. The combined output of these collieries was about 25,000 tons a month. In the same period, however, the company have re-opened five other collieries which had been closed by their previous owners. These five collieries have a combined output slightly greater than the figure mentioned.


asked the Secretary for Mines if his attention has been called to the closing of the collieries belonging to the Amalgamated Anthracite combine in the Pontyates district; and whether he will make inquiries to see if he can take any helpful steps to reopen any of the pits or drifts there?


I understand that two pits in this neighbourhood belonging to Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries, Limited, are closed and that in one case the coal is being worked from an adjoining pit. The other colliery is stated to be economically unworkable. I regret that I am unable to take any further useful action in the matter.