HC Deb 24 July 1929 vol 230 c1318W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs the number of persons who have been rejected by the Canadian Government doctors as unfit for emigration between 1st January, 1929, and the last convenient date; and can he give figures for the corresponding period of the previous year?


The number of persons rejected on medical examination as "prohibited immigrants" under the Canadian Immigration Law was 626 during the first six months of 1928 and 923 during the same period of 1929. In addition during the same periods, 3,014 and 7,088 persons respectively were certified, owing to physical defects, as unsuitable, though not "prohibited," migrants, but of this number approximately 33 per cent. were subsequently permitted to proceed after the Dominion authorities had satisfied themselves that the arrangements for the settlement of these persons in Canada were satisfactory.