HC Deb 23 July 1929 vol 230 cc1116-7W

asked the Minister of Labour whether statistics are available of the number of children of either sex now in employment in industry as a whole and in separate industries, respectively?


Estimates of the numbers of children of various ages likely to be "occupied" based on the assumption that the ratios of "occupied" juveniles to total juveniles are the same as in 1921, will be found on pages 150 and 151 of the section of the Report of the Committee on Industry and Trade, which deals with factors in industrial and commercial efficiency. These figures, how-over, include juveniles who are unemployed. Statistics of the numbers in employment in the various industries are

Industry. Boys aged 16 and 17. Girls aged 16 and 17.
Estimated numbers insured Numbers recorded as unemployed at 24th June, 1929. Differences. Estimated numbers insured. Numbers recorded as unemployed at 24th June, 1929. Differences.
Coal Mining 59,070 3,144 55,926 750 64 686
General Engineering; Engineers' Iron and Steel founding. 35,680 830 34,850 6,550 97 6,453
Construction and Repair of motor vehicles, cycles and aircraft. 16,440 367 16,073 2,670 49 2,621
Shipbuilding and ship repairing. 9,980 630 9,350 260 9 251
Metal industries not separately specified. 9,980 253 9,727 11,950 244 11,706
Cotton 15,210 998 14,212 31,200 1,492 29,708
Wool 6,950 410 6,540 13,890 805 13,085
Hosiery 1,870 22 1,848 11,500 256 11,244
Tailoring 4,770 97 4,673 17,080 280 16,800
Boots and Shoes 6,990 255 6,735 6,420 202 6,218
Bread, biscuit, cake, etc., making. 7,140 229 6,911 8,980 233 8,747
Cocoa, chocolate, and sugar confectionery. 1,970 99 1,871 10,040 456 9,584
Furniture, making, upholstering, etc. 10,740 215 10,525 3,440 71 3,369
Printing, Publishing and Booltbinding. 13,780 201 13,579 14,580 210 14,370
Building 42,610 753 41,857 1,080 15 1,065
Road Transport not separately specified. 7,760 226 7,534 840 19 821
Distributive 117,240 3,579 113,661 94,030 2,650 91,380
Hotel, Boarding House, Club Services. 6,120 201 5,919 13,970 591 13,379
Other Industries 188,400 4,725 183,675 162,470 3,589 158,881
All Industries 562,700 17,234 545,466 411,700 11,332 400,368