HC Deb 23 July 1929 vol 230 c1105W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, the result of inquiries by the Forest Products Research Board as to the resistance powers of Canadian and Australian, as compared with United States and Scandinavian, timber under the assaults of the death-watch beetle; and whether steps will be taken to stop wood imports in which fungus, whether alive or dead, is detected?


So far as is at present known, the death-watch beetle only attacks timber of considerable age (e.g. roof-timbers in old buildings); there are therefore no means of quickly determining the relative resistance of timbers of different origin. The Forest Products Research Laboratory is, however, making investigations to determine the conditions which render timber liable to attack. It is not at present proposed that any steps should be taken to stop imports in the manner suggested.

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